Friday, December 25, 2009


Annabel and Mia with Santa. Annabel is not too happy.

My husband and I had a very quiet Christmas alone at our home this year. It was the first Christmas Day in my life that I didn't have either parents or children in it. Because of that it was very unusual and I'm still contemplating how exactly I feel about it. However, I must say it was fine. In fact, it was pleasant in that there were no pressures of any kind associated with it. We didn't even have a Christmas tree. I really think I needed this type of (non) Christmas this year.
I spent the day knitting a new hat for Chance.

We had a "Kids say the Darndest Things" moment on Christmas Eve when we spoke with our 8 and 6 year old grandsons:

Us: So, Jack, what are you doing right now?
Jack: Listening to the music from "Glee".
Us: You really like this TV show. How are you listening to it?
Jack: on an iPod.
Us: What did you have for dinner?
Jack: Mashed potatoes, peas, roast and salad.
Us: That sounds delicious. Can we talk to your brother, Hayden, now?

Us: So, Hayden......We hear you are listening to the music from Glee.....
Hayden: Yes, but I don't like it.
Us: What kind of music do you like?
Hayden: Ummmmm........Disney music.
Us: Well, maybe you can listen to Disney music and Glee music.
Hayden: Yes, I'd like that.
Us: So, what did you eat tonight, Hayden?
Hayden: Ummmmm.......mashed potatoes, these carrot thingies and Ummmmmmmmmmmm Cow!

I love these candid moments!!!!!

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