Saturday, October 29, 2011


OMG, was I wrong (foolish) (naive) about chemo. The first day (infusion day) was indeed doable. Scary, but doable. The next day, I had to return for a flu shot and an injection of Nuelasta, which they describe as an immune booster. They warned me that it can cause bone pain because this drug "tells" your bones to produce bone marrow.
On the third day I started to feel genuinely unwell - sick in general - really tired and ill with a persistent headache. But the fourth day was HORRIBLE. Nausea, a constant headache, feeling awful and sick along with an unrelenting pain in my bones. Think of the "growing pains" you had as a child that would make you cry and that is the closest analogy I can think of. I was rendered utterly useless and cowered in bed. Today is day 5. It's proven to be pretty much a repeat of day 4. CHEMOTHERAPY SUCKS.

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